
Hi Everyone, Trust you are all good and ready to move into Summer!

This month’s card is again from Doreen Virtues Magical Messages from the Fairies.

Affirmations – Card Reads:  Lift up your thoughts and energy and attract what you desire, use positive affirmations.

I felt guided to pull this card on Memorial Day weekend.  A small amount of information came through and then stopped. Hmm!!!  What are the fairies telling us with this????

Well to started with this is what I was given:

This cards message is multilayered!  Okay nothing new as it is for our community of many people.

Magical to be certain – its words, the picture, the colors, etc.  A fairy sitting on the moon, star gazing and opening up to all the possibilities out there; like the multitude of stars – so are the possibilities.

One star is larger and brighter – this is her hearts desires.  The fairy herself is very rainbow in color (her gown, hair, wings and the moon she sits upon.  Which is confirmation of the magic the universe holds.

Now three weeks later they tell me it is time to finish this blog reading for everyone!  Got to love how it all works and comes together.  Our New Moon Event had to happen for the rest of the information to flow.

Confirmation for sure that this is the card that will allow the information, guidance, lessons, blessings and opportunities to flow into our lives.  The moon phases are very powerful and positive energy from the universe that can and will help us find our flow and open our hearts to the vast possibilities just as we stare at the night sky and physically see the multitude of the star’s and universe.

In the event we shared the importance for our balanced well being – is having clear, positive intentions on what we desire and where we are going.  However, not being attached to the outcome of how it happens!

The normal readings that generally come through for my blog are the different things to share that will make each of us think and feel into.  So that we know what guidance is being sent for us.  However, this time it is much different.  I know that the reason for that is we are a large community, with similar desires and wishes – But, we each have our own very unique and personal paths and missions in life.

What I am being guided to share with each of you is: make this personal.  Find some quiet time, in nature if at all possible, and just be present in this moment.  Breathe in the vastness of all that can be.  Listen to what your heart is telling you is the most important thing for you in Your life – right now in this moment.  Write it down, look at it, feel it and make it the simplest most positive statement that you can.  Go back and re-write it if you need to.  It is all good!  As you become more and more clear on truly exactly where you want to be – what you want to do, the clarity will come to upgrade your statement.  This is called and intention and/or you can call it an Affirmation.   Keep it where you can see it often, even if this means you write it and put it multiple places.  Trust your heart to show you.  Focus on the Intention, feel it as real and now in this moment… And having the intention done and ready to really start your focus on the New Moon (6/16/15) will add the New Moon’s positive energy to your own.  Therefore making it even stronger.

Should you feel or want extra assistance in doing this – Our New Moon Event is posted on the website and was recorded so you can purchase it and still receive the benefits of the Event itself.

Trusting this will open the door to finding your grounding, staying centered in the now, and balance in Your lives.

Blessings Everyone for a beautiful Day, Week, Month and Year!!!!

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