Patience, Please

November Blessings to each of you.   This month’s reading was inspired by Doreen Virtue’s Magical Messages from the Fairies Deck.

Patience, Please – Awe as we begin to wind down another year and stop to evaluate our lives.  Where we are, where we have been and our dreams for where we are going – a very appropriate card to come forward.

The card reads:  What you’re asking for is coming about.  Have patience, as there are unseen factors that need to occur first.  (for some of you this will resonate – please remember to stop breathe and read this Community reading with an open heart.  When you can do that, you will receive what is important for you.  It may be almost everything.  It may only be one line, or one word that sparks your own hearing, seeing, knowing or feeling of what this means for you.   Trust that – whatever it is, your intuition, heart and soul know.)

What the picture is showing me is that we are going through a time of great healing, this may be physically, emotionally or spiritually.  (literally Mind/Body/Soul)  It may be only one of these things but most likely a combination of them.  So Breathe deep – as you do so ask for what you need to take away from this card, this information, this picture – Exhale, and let go, surrender all that you realize does not serve you any longer.   As we do this – it opens us up to receive what we are in need of and keeps us present in this moment.   One thing my experiences have taught me is any time I feel off balance at all, it is time to be with Mother Nature.  

For some of you it will be spring right now when all is growing and blooming (use this time wisely as you spend time with Mother Earth).  Remember what you learned during your winter time of rest and rejuvenation and begin to take one step forward at a time in action to move forward.  But remember to have patience and know one step at a time will move you to where you are meant to be on your journey. 

For some of you it will be Fall right now, tree’s are turning colors, shedding leaves and most of mother earth’s plant life as well as the animal kingdom are beginning to ready themselves for the coming winter – to rest and rejuvenate.  (again, use this time wisely to look inside yourself and see where you have been, where you want to go – and just be happy and proud of yourself as to where you are in this moment.)  Be patience with yourself and you will be amazed at the insight you receive.

I’m feeling and hearing very strongly that this past year has been such a time of growth in so many things and ways – yet many are frantic, what is next, now what do I do, but I’m not where I wanted to be or where I thought I would be!!!     STOP!!!!!   Breathe!!!!!!  Trust, Believe and have Faith…. Be patient with YOU!   Be Thankful what you have accomplished even if it doesn’t feel like much, because trust me when I say the human part of us has a habit of making us not see the real truth.   Just accept that you are where you are and it is all good.

The more you do this and surrender to being patient you will begin to see, feel, hear and know what is next.  And smile when you see the clarity pop in to pay you a visit, the door opens to the next step you are suppose to take.   I understand that is not always easy with the way most of us were taught – but it truly is the beautiful way to be and do.   And then life is joyous, peaceful and fulfilling!  As in this state we see the truth of who we are and what our journey here is about.

If you would like assistance in any way – Please feel free to ask, it is part of our life missions!    This will take you to the website page where you can purchase a individualized reading of your choice.   When you have done that – we will be in touch by email from: to discuss details, with you of what your intentions are or what guidance you are requesting. 

Blessing to you all,

In love, light and laughter let’s give thanks!

Rev. Tina Marie

2 thoughts on “Patience, Please

  1. I always hate the “patience” cards… but I suppose it’s because I have such a great need for patience 🙂 Thanks for the message, Tina!! 🙂

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